Tomorrow's banking experience, informing clients in the right place at the right time
KBC is continuously looking for ways to improve their customer experience. KBC Mobile, the bank’s core mobile app, is packed with great features that make mobile payments a breeze. The challenge? Informing KBC clients about these features in the right place at the right time, in order to drive engagement and habit forming.
That's where Harald, our end-to-end beacon solution comes in. Bluetooth beacons allow banks to integrate physical and mobile channels, to create a new type of interaction and to deliver to the customers a positive and personal experience. We've installed beacons (iBeacon & Eddystone) in several KBC ATMs, branches and ZEB fashion stores. When the beacon detects you've entered a store or are close to an ATM, a notification pops up via the KBC Mobile app. This way KBC gets to inform its customers about their services when it's hyper relevant.
Pay cardless using MobilePay
KBC clients can use their smartphones to pay in a growing number of shops. All you need is a smartphone and the KBC Mobile app. You scan the QR code at the till and confirm your purchase with your personal code, to easily and securely do your cardless payment in no time.
When users of the KBC Mobile app enter a ZEB store, a push notification informs them about the possibility to pay using MobilePay and automatically opens the feature with just a swipe.

Withdraw cash without using your bank card
In urgent need of cash to go for a drink after the film, but forgot your bank card? No problem. With the KBC Mobile app, you can withdraw cash using your smartphone at any KBC or CBC ATM. We've installed beacons in 10 KBC ATMs, enabling us to inform visitors about the MobileCash service.
Get notified when customers arrive
The latest KBC branches don't have a door bell anymore. Beacons detect when a KBC client enters and the host gets informed about his arrival.
Harald, the complete beacon solution
The KBC Mobile app is an existing app in which In The Pocket integrated the Harald SDK to be beacon enabled. The Harald hardware team was also responsible for the beacon configuration and installation. We carefully selected the type of beacon which best suited the project and the objectives. We opted for lithium-battery beacons, fitted with rare-earth magnets for a smooth installation.
The results
The campaign went on to showcase some amazing results. 12% of all shoppers who received a notification in a ZEB store paid using MobilePay and 5% withdrew cash from an ATM using just their smartphone.